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Module [Module Number]Bachelorseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik [1277BSSWF1]
Regular CycleWinter Term
Teaching FormSeminar
Examination FormSeminar Paper, Presentation
Teaching LanguageGerman / English
InstructorsDr. Katharina Drechsler
KLIPSSummer Term 2024 (First Registration Phase)



Course Activities

The seminar work consists of five main phases:

  1. The students acquire the basics of conducting scientific work via the Flipped Classroom.
  2. The students learn the fundamentals concerning seminar’s theme and literature reviews.
  3. The students plan their seminar project by developing a research cycle and study protocol that is presented and discussed.
  4. The improved study protocol guides the student to collect their data and assists them in their analysis. Hence, relevant data sources are identified, data is collected and processed in order to develop a key deliverable of the seminar project.
  5. The seminar project is documented in a seminar paper. Before the final work is submitted, results are presented and discussed amongst the seminar participants.
Seminar Topics

The development of information systems is a highly diversified discipline, which not only covers the development process as such, but also underlying and supporting theories, tools and methods used, the impact of developed systems as well as context-specific examinations. We offer a different set of seminar topics each semester that broadly fall into the Chair's Topic Areas. The seminar serves as preparation for the bachelor thesis and at the same time provides the opportunity to gain deep insight into selected issues of the fascinating information systems arena.

Please refer to the syllabus for a list of available seminar topics.

Flipped Classroom: Scientific Work

Part of the Bachelor's seminar is the participation in the Flipped Classroom on Scientific Work, which is offered at the beginning of the Semester. A separate registration (and preparation) for this ILIAS course is necessary.

For more information, please visit this page.

Learning Objectives

Students …
  • independently deal with a current topic of information systems.
  • collect, research, select, analyse and synthesise the scientific literature relevant to the topic from electronic and non-electronic scientific literature collections.
  • familiarize themselves independently with the chosen topic.
  • use specialist or task-specific software where necessary.
  • write a written paper on the chosen topic.
  • apply scientific standards for referencing and citing external works and thoughts in their own work.
  • present results of the seminar in an individual or group presentation.
  • supplement the presentations of other participants in co-presentations, if applicable.
  • defend their own work and discuss the presentations of the other students critically during the seminar.
  • have a scientific discourse.


Please see syllabus for a detailed timeline.

Application Process

Seminar paper topics in the Information Systems Area are assigned in a central application process. The first step is to register for the seminar work with a specific examiner (Chair). Registration is done via KLIPS2, a corresponding prioritization guide can be found here. This usually takes place in the 1st enrolment period via KLIPS2. There is no enrolment period of remaining places. Subsequently, preferences for topics are collected and the assignment takes place. 


The course grading is threefold:

  • Study Protocol (15%):
    Written report including research problem and objective, outline of the paper, and plan of research method. Assessment in accordance with clarity, consistency, and comprehensiveness.
  • Final Presentation (15%):
    The 10-minute presentation should convey central parts of your research project such as research problem and question, method, results, and contribution to research and practice. Assessment in accordance with organization of content, oral, and overall presentation.
  • Seminar paper (70%):
    Written report about the research project. Assessment in accordance with evaluation scheme provided in ILIAS.

Selected Readings

Scientific Research in Information Systems: A Beginner's Guide

Jan Recker

2013, Springer

ISBN: 978-3-642-30048-6

Available for rental and as e-book at the institute's library