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Module [Module Number]EM Wirtschaftsinformatik ll [1277BEWIF2]
SM Wirtschaftsinformatik III [1277BSWI13]
Regular CycleSummer Term
Teaching FormLecture + Tutorial
Examination FormPortfolio
Teaching LanguageGerman (spoken in the classroom), English (all course materials and annoucements)
InstructorsDr. Katharina Drechsler
KLIPSSummer Term 2025 (Second Registration Phase)



  • Challenges of the development of information systems and digital technologies
  • Different realization forms of information systems: Make or Buy, Software as a Service, Outsourcing, Open Source, End-User Development
  • Process models for ISD: Waterfall, Prototyping, DevOps, Agile
  • Concepts, methods, and forms of project management for ISD
  • Communication and leadership in ISD projects
  • Ethical considerations in ISD

Learning Objectives

Students …
  • recognize the challenges of information system development.
  • can evaluate, select and apply various process models for the development of information systems based on their advantages and disadvantages.
  • understand traditional and new, agile, information system development process models.
  • can assess, select and apply the different organizational forms of project management for the development of information systems based on their respective strengths and weaknesses.
  • are aware of the dangers of time pressure, team dynamics and leadership challenges in information system development projects and are in a position to take appropriate countermeasures.
  • are able to develop solutions in small groups and present them in the plenum.


Regular Sessions

  • Thursday Sessions (usually Lectures)
    • 2:00pm to 3:30pm
    • Room S01 (Seminargebäude, building no. 106)
  • Friday Sessions (usually Tutorials):
    • 10:00am to 11:30am and 12:00pm to 1:30pm
    • Room S01 (Seminargebäude, building no. 106)

There will be only 2 weekly sessions on average. These will be distributed across three weekly timeslots (see syllabus for detailed schedule). This way, no class will take place on Fridays, where the Thursday is a holiday and you can enjoy the long weekends (“Brückentage”).

Important Dates

  • First Lecture incl. Organizational Information: 10th April 2025, 2pm to 3:30pm
  • KLIPS Exam Registration & Team Registration Deadline: 25th April 2025, 11:59pm (*)
  • Submission Deadline Concept Design of ISD: 22nd May 2025, 11:59pm (via ILIAS)
  • Mid-term Presentation Concept Design of ISD: 23rd May 2025, 10am to 1:30pm
  • Submission Deadline Final ISD Solution: 17th July 2025, 11:59pm (via ILIAS)
  • Poster Slam / Exam Q&A-Session: 18th July 2025, 10am to 1:30pm
  • eExam: 22nd July 2025, 8:30am to 9:30am, Room S56 building 103 (Philosophikum) (*)

(*) official information only via KLIPS2.


This course will be assessed as a portfolio exam.

Assessment 1- Information Systems Development (ISD) (Solution (Team Project) (50 points)
Conceptually design an information system to solve a relevant business problem of your choice. You will identify a business problem and give an overview of the information system solution you plan to develop to address this business problem. You are not required to build or program the system.

The assessment of the ISD solution consists of two parts:

Assessment 1a: Concept idea of ISD (10 points): The goal is to communicate the core idea and solution concept, demonstrate early progress, and identify key challenges, while receiving feedback to refine the project before the final submission.

Assessment 1b: Final ISD solution (40 points): The goal is to showcase your conceptually developed ISD solution. The final solution include the following required elements:

  • Project overview and goals
  • Requirements analysis
  • Choice of systems development methodology including justification and adaptions
  • Timeline including milestones, project phases, and work packages
  • Staffing plan, including roles and responsibilities
  • Tools and techniques
  • Project risk analysis
  • Cost estimation
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Ethical issues with the solution and in the development

Assessment 2 - eExam (50 points)
A 60-minute eExam covering the whole lecture and tutorial. It will take place in the university's PC pool.

More detailed information can be found on Ilias.

Selected Readings

Detailed information on the required reading will be provided in Ilias for each session.