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M.Sc. Information Systems

On this page, we present the courses we offer in our Master study program "Information Systems". If you study in another program, you may also be able to elect some of these courses, please refer to this page or your module catalogue for more information.

The Field of Study

Information Systems is an independent interdisciplinary subject area, which has its roots in computer science and economics, in particular business administration. Studying Information Systems opens up a wide range of applications for graduates at the interface of business administration and computer science, especially in the planning, development and introduction as well as operation of information systems.

In this context, business IT specialists perform a translation function between the business world of thought and language on the one hand and a technically anchored system environment on the other. In particular, business computer scientists find fields of activity in the field of the use of information technology which require knowledge of the respective subject areas, in particular business management knowledge. They can therefore be used in a wide range of company areas and industries. Business information technologists can perform corresponding coordinating functions between IT specialists and technical specialists on the application side, whereby consulting services and project management are in the foreground. Due to the high innovation dynamics of IT as well as its inherent innovation potential, business IT specialists are also equipped for entrepreneurial activities (entrepreneurship). Abilities like the organisation of specific application systems, business process organisation, technical system draft, requirement analysis, organisational implementation, change management, the spreading architectural organisation of the information system landscape as well as the organisation and co-ordination of an internal as well as intercompany information management are obtained.

The range of methods includes in particular methods of modelling data, processes, as well as general internal and external structures and corresponding application systems, and depending on the choice of study depth also methods of data analysis (business intelligence, data science) or product and business model innovation. Master's graduates have built up these skills in depth during their studies and thus aim at higher and more advanced career paths in business and administration. By means of a targeted specialisation, either in an informational or business context, the respective specialist focus is set. Typical topics include, for example, the organisation of the IT function in a company or system analysis and development as well as IT architecture. Central for business informaticians is the application-oriented implementation of mostly formal, quantitative and system analytical methods in addition to the ability to explain phenomena, behaviours of actors as well as interrelationships of the use of IT in organisations (explanation goal of business informatics). Due to the increasing importance of digitized data, there is an increasing demand for graduates who are familiar with the acquisition, storage, search, distribution, modelling, analysis and visualization of large amounts of data (Business Intelligence, Data Science). Here a broad, predominantly informatically founded method spectrum is to be mastered. In particular, it requires the ability to conceive corresponding systems and to guide their development with technical understanding (design goal of business informatics). The spectrum of effects of the graduates ranges from the design of innovative products or processes to business models.

Prospective Students
Interested in studying Information Systems at the University of Cologne? Find more information on our faculty's homepage! (➔ English, German)

Course Overview and Recommended Study Plan


Computer Science

In the Computer Science section, you have two modules, within which you have several elective options. These courses are all offered by the Institute for Computer Science. Please check their website or KLIPS for details.

Supplementary Section

In the supplementary section, you can choose one of the following specializations:

  • Accounting and Taxation
  • Business Analytics and Econometrics
  • Corporate Development
  • Economic Psychology
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Economics for Business Administration
  • Media and Technology Management
  • Political Science
  • Sociology
  • Tax Law

if you want to spend a semester abroad, there is the special supplementary section Studies Abroad, in which you can get courses from your foreign university accredited.

Except for Business Analytics and Econometrics, the courses within the supplementary sections are all offered by other departments. Please check their website, KLIPS, or the module catalogue for details.

Supplementary Section: Business Analytics and Econometrics

If you choose Business Analytics and Econometrics as your specialization, some of the courses are offered by Prof. Weinmann's chair of our institute.

Data analytics, digital innovation and big data are crucial developments for the upcoming challenges in all business and economic areas. This specialization offers a unique blend of traditional analytics (e.g. statistics, econometrics, optimisation, simulation) and modern analytical approaches (e.g. machine learning and artificial intelligence using R and Python) and merges these approaches with the teaching of groundbreaking knowledge in the areas of economics, management, and entrepreneurship.


4th Term (Summer): Master Thesis

In the fourth term, you focus exclusively on writing your master thesis. Please find more information here.

List of Courses Offered by Our Institute

Summer Term 2025

Course TitleModule*Profile**InstructorsLinks
Advanced Analytics and ApplicationsSM Information Systems I X Wolfgang Ketter,
Janik Muires
Course Page
KLIPS (Lecture)
KLIPS (Exercise)
Emerging Electronic BusinessSM Information Systems II  XDetlef SchoderKLIPS (Lecture)
KLIPS (Exercise)
Artificial Intelligence and Information ManagementSM Information Systems III X Detlef Schoder,
Johannes Melsbach
KLIPS (Lecture)
KLIPS (Exercise)
Metaverse Technologies and Business ModelsSM Information Systems III  XStefan Seidel,
Christian Hovestadt
Course Page
Advanced Seminar Information Systems and Digital TechnologySM Seminar Information Systems I/II  XStefan SeidelCourse Page
Advanced Seminar Information ManagementSM Seminar Information Systems I/II XXDetlef SchoderKLIPS
Advanced Seminar Collaborative Innovation NetworksSM Seminar Information Systems I/IIXX Peter Gloor,
Johannes Melsbach
IS Research: Analytics for a Sustainable SocietySM Seminar Information Systems I/IIXX Wolfgang Ketter,
Anna Taudien
Course Page

* BM = Core Module (German: "Basismodul"); SM = Specialization Module (German: "Schwerpunktmodul")

** DS = Digital Sustainable Society; BI = Business Intelligence and Data Science; DI = Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Winter Term 2024-25

Course TitleModule*Profile**InstructorsLinks
Information Systems and Environmental SustainabilityBM Information Systems IX  Stefan SeidelCourse Page
Analytics and ApplicationsBM Information Systems II X Wolfgang Ketter,
Janik Muires
Course Page
Digital Transformation and InnovationBM Digital Transformation  XDetlef Schoder
Tom Celig,
Oliver Rath
KLIPS (Lecture)
KLIPS (Exercise)
Case Project Digital TransformationSM Information Systems I  XNikolaus SchmidtKLIPS
Sustainable Digital Innovation LabSM Information Systems IX (X)Katharina Drechsler,
Stefan Seidel,
Christian Hovestadt
Course Page
Digital DesignSM Information Systems II  XChristoph Rosenkranz,
Florian Wagner
Course Page
Applied Mathematical OptimizationSM Information Systems IIIX(X) Wolfgang Ketter,
Saber Talari,
Lennard Sund
Course Page
Decision Making under UncertaintySM Information Systems III X Ziyue LiKLIPS
Advanced Seminar Information ManagementSM Seminar Information Systems I/II XXStefan HirschmeierKLIPS
Advanced Seminar Collaborative Innovation NetworksSM Seminar Information Systems I/IIX XPeter Gloor,
Johannes Melsbach
Advanced Seminar Information Systems for Sustainable SocietySM Seminar Information Systems I/IIXX Wolfgang Ketter,
Anna Taudien
Course Page
Programming for Data AnalyticsBM Data Analytics II X Markus Weinmann,
Sercan Demir
Course Page
Machine Learning and Artificial IntelligenceBM Data Analytics III X Markus Weinmann,
Christopher Coors
Course Page
KLIPS (Lecture)
KLIPS (Exercise)
Data Management and VisualizationBM Data Analytics V X Markus Weinmann,
Stefan Rose
Course Page

* BM = Core Module (German: "Basismodul"); SM = Specialization Module (German: "Schwerpunktmodul")

** DS = Digital Sustainable Society; BI = Business Intelligence and Data Science; DI = Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship